Welcome to Presbyterian Foundation’s

Financial Health Assessment

The Financial Health Assessment is a tool for learning more about your church's finances and how your congregation compares to other PC(USA) churches your size. Completing this tool only takes a few minutes but does require knowledge of your church's finances. Please download this worksheet to see all of the questions and collect information before you get started online. Those completing the assessment for their church can be a church treasurer, clerk of session, pastor, or church administrator. Once you have completed the assessment, You will be provided with a detailed report noting both successes and areas for improvement, along with links to helpful resources to you on your way.

How It Works

Step 1

Create An Account

The Financial Health Assessment uses information previously provided to the denomination through the Clerk's Annual Questionnaire. Find your congregation by searching for the city, state, and then church name. You can search just by state and choose your congregation from a list, or city and state, and choose your church. Next, create your own username and password. Churches may have more than one account to accommodate multiple users. Please use your personal name and not the church name in the name field.
Sign In / Register

Step 2

Take the Assessment

You will be guided screen by screen through a series of questions about your church. These questions include average worship attendance, percentage of members who pledge, your church’s stewardship plan, if your church has an external audit, and several other questions that are key indicators of financial health. After answering a question, hit “next” in the bottom right corner of the screen, and you’ll go to the next question. The status bar along the top will tell you how much more you have to go.
Begin Assessment

Step 3

Receiving the Report

Once the assessment is complete, a link will be provided for download. A PDF of the report will also be emailed to the e-mail address you provided when you created your account.
Your Dashboard

Step 4

Learning More

The results will be presented in clear, easy to understand graphics that will help you decide next steps. We will provide resources for you throughout the report if you’d like to read up more on any topic brought up by the assessment results. You can also reach out to us. Your Ministry Relations Officer, a regional Foundation representative, is available to discuss your church’s report. You’ll find their name on the last page of the assessment.

Let's go

Ready to get started?

Great! We believe you’ll find this a helpful tool. Just click below to start your assessment.

Take the Assessment